
Melanie Hueftle

Melanie Hueftle

7th Grade

Meet Melanie Hueftle, a dynamic 7th-grade science teacher embarking on her sixth year of shaping young minds, her fourth year at Quest. With a passion for education and a heart for her students, Melanie brings creativity and enthusiasm to the classroom each day.

But Melanie's world doesn't stop at the school gates. As a new mom to little Maxwell, she's navigating the joys and challenges of parenthood with grace and humor. When she's not writing her own curriculum or prepping engaging labs, you'll often find Melanie crafting relatable TikToks that capture the essence of teaching life or belting out Taylor Swift tunes in her car.

Traveling is another passion that fills Melanie's cup. Whether it's exploring new cultures, trying exotic foods, or simply soaking in breathtaking landscapes, she's always up for an adventure with her husband Kaleb and their two fur babies by her side.

And of course, Melanie never misses an opportunity to instill a love for science in her students. From solving murders to unraveling the mysteries of the cell, she's determined to make learning fun and memorable. After all, who could forget the timeless lesson that the mitochondria is indeed the powerhouse of the cell?